N.C.A.B.L. Releases Recipient of Ken Schultz Memorial Award

On a sunny and warm Saturday in late August, the family of Kevin Hardman gathered on the infield of Keller Field in Westlock to accept the Ken Schultz Memorial Award presented posthumously for the first time since its inception in 1993.  Phyllis Schultz, whose family sponsors this annual award, was present for the official recognition ceremony which highlights an individual’s long term contributions to the game of baseball in the North Central Alberta region served by the League.  As mentioned by Commissioner Riopel during his address, Kevin will be remembered for his pure love of and excitement for the game rather than for a list of notable achievements.  Kevin encapsulated what the game of baseball has gifted us with through the sheer pleasure of having played the game, of having experienced its rich history and statistical depth, of the many memories forged, and finally of the opportunities it has provided for our own personal growth and development.  Mr. Riopel continued by saying that Kevin lived to respect the game of baseball by honouring its age old traditions and by playing it with every ounce of God given ability that he had been given.  It could be said that he very much had followed in Ken Schultz’s footsteps and was now united with Ken having earned his moniker as a “pillar of the NCABL”.

 Phyllis Schmidt presents the Ken Schultz Memorial Award to members of the Hardman family.  Kevin Hardman was awarded the Schultz Award posthumously.

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